Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Public Health Warning

The American Veterinary Medical Association has issued a public health warning regarding rodenticides that contain phosphides, usually in the form of aluminum phosiphide or zinc phosphide. Common brand names include Gopha-Rid, Arrex, Phosvin, and Ratol. Human exposure has occurred when an animal who has ingested the rat poison vomits either from exposure to the poison or when vomiting is induced to rid the animal's stomach of the poison. The chemical produces phosphine gas in the stomach which is released into the air after vomiting. The dry form and the gas are extremely poisonous to humans and pets. If a pet ingests phosphide rodenticide and vomits in a indoor setting all humans and pets should vacate the building and call your local fire department for further instructions from Haz-Mat personel.
For more information go to www.avma.org/public_health/phosphine_gas/default.asp.

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